Monday, November 17, 2008

Asahi Taste

So we had our beer focus group and things turned out in our favor!

People scored Asahi better than Heineken and Bud Light. Some even put it above Sapporo and Kieren.

I was so happy that without the branding people really liked it over the usual pics.

I think what we should have don was then have a group that tastes knowing what the kinds of beer where. That probably would have gotten some interesting results!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Asahi Robot

This robot is probably the most known thing that Asahi has going for it right now!
It takes forever to pour the beer, but how cool is this?

They're hard to find, but look on Ebay and I'm sure you are bound to find one. Let me know if you score this cool robot!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Beer tasting

We are doing a focus group of beer tastings next week to compare Asahi's taste with its competitors.

Bud Light

We'll see how Asahi does!

I have high hopes!